The start of the new year is an ideal time to reflect and set goals. As you contemplate the year ahead, think long term: what’s most important is not what you do today or this week, but what you commit to doing every week. This will enable you to build consistency and make significant progress.
Grab a pen and a notepad and answer the following questions. Save your notes to review at this time next year, when you can go through this process again. And remember: significant research has shown that writing down your goals is a significant step to achieving them.
Why answer these questions for yourself?
Goal setting is concrete.
Goal setting motivates you.
Goal setting is more efficient.
Goal setting gives you direction.
Goal setting gives you confidence.
Goal setting is good for soccer and for life!
Your Checklist:
- What is your overarching objective in the sport?
- Have you assessed the progress you made in 2022? Is there anything you could have done differently to make more progress? Note that more progress doesn't always mean more work. It can mean smarter work, better planning, or even more rest.
- Are you clear on what you'd like to achieve in 2023 that will bring you closer to your larger objective? The more this objective is in your control, the better. Rather than making a team, maybe you can reframe it to gain the confident to know you have worked hard and smart. After all, selection is not in your control, but your preparation certainly is.
- How will you achieve your objective this year? What are the things you are willing to commit to doing? The key here is to be honest with yourself, and to make sure you both know how to achieve your objective and that you are willing to do what it takes. If you don’t know how, find a guide! If you are unclear about your motivation, revisit the objective and perhaps reframe your goals.
- Do you know what you need to do today, tomorrow, and each week in order to look back this time next year and feel that you made great progress towards your goals? The smaller and more specific the actions you can establish for your road map, the better. The key is to create sustainable habits that can serve you for the long term and that will compound week over week and month over month for a year. Be smart about your roadmap. That will keep you fresh, hungry, and able to commit to sticking to your plan!
At Techne, we have organized weekly self training programs that are doable, effective, and fun. We are committed to being your experienced resource and your guide, both in the new year and beyond!