Are you wanting to play soccer at the next level? Or preparing for a college showcase? Having a soccer resume to pass along to coaches, college, clubs is a necessity. College coaches want to see your full soccer resume. They see your play on the field at a game, but it’s much more than that. Your resume lets them know about you as a player, your accomplishments, strengths, and a bit about you off the field. Don’t wait until it’s too late and miss out on playing opportunities!
Create Your FREE Soccer Resume - You can host photos, videos, and get your own personalized link!
Create a free Techne account then tap Soccer Resume. Fill in your information, upload your photos, choose your personal URL, and set up a passcode. Easy! If you have an App account already, go to settings, then tap Soccer Resume.
If you don’t want to download the App, you can create an account here then create your FREE soccer resume. Use promo code BLOG for 10% your first app purchase.
Tips For Your Soccer Resume
Use a professional template. You can build and host your resume for FREE on Techne! Get a personalized URL like:
Don’t wait! It’s important not to wait until you need a resume or are asked for one to create yours. You’ll want to have one ready and keep it updated so that you aren’t rushing to scrape it together when you need it most. We recommend having a soccer resume by the time you start high school, especially if it’s your goal to play college soccer.
The content. Your soccer resume should include basic information on you – your full name, birthday, age, and contact information – so that someone can easily see who you are and how to get in touch. You’ll also want to include information about you as a player (your team name and position) and academically (where you go to school and your graduating class). You’ll want to have your upcoming schedule so that coaches know where to watch you play, photos and videos of you playing, as well as a list of your achievements. Finally, you should include a few references – coaches you trust to be contacted to speak about your ability, work ethic, and character. Our Techne resume builder tool includes all of these elements to take the guesswork out of creating a resume from scratch.
Show some personality. Soccer coaches and scouts see tons of resumes. In your free Techne Soccer Resume, you can include a personal statement as well as photos and videos. Make sure that these highlight your personality and character as well as your soccer skills. Help the coaches get to know you, why you’re passionate about soccer, that you’re a good teammate, how hard you work, and anything else that would make you a valuable member of their team.
Be proud. Your resume is not the place to be humble. Share what makes you great, both academically and athletically, and don’t leave anything out! This can be a satisfying way to celebrate your strengths, successes, and achievements as you continue to work hard to add to them.
As you create your soccer resume, it’s important to remember that coaches most often will still want to see you in person. Your resume is what can grab their attention, but the most important thing you can also do is to let them know when and where they can see you play, whether in person or in a game that’s streamed or saved online.